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Hello! My name is Eugene Zrazhevsky. I am WeblocOpener developer.
Most of users of WeblocOpener download it to open .webloc file for one or two times.
So why they should do it? What if there will be a new service, based on WeblocOpener project,
that will give the same options?

So I've got an idea: website (or telegram bot) with WeblocOpener options: open, create .webloc
files,QR-Code generators with drag-and-drop features.
All of it can be realised, but there is a problem:
Github pages does not support java projects, so I need a new hosting (with domain name in case of website).

Good hosting with good options cost for 1-2 year of using: $250 - $500.

If you want me to realise this idea, please donate, and when it's ready - you will be able
to operate with .webloc files without downloading the app.

P.S. There is a pool in WeblocOpener's telegram channel. If we imagine, that I have all money
I needed to make WeblocOpener online possible, what it should be: a website or a telegram bot.
Link to a pool: link.


WeblocOpener is a simple way to open, edit, create MacOS Safari .webloc files on Windows and Debian GNU/Linux.

Breaking News ⚠️

Hello everyone!

Today I have an announcement for you. I’m happy to announce that @WeblocOpenerBot for telegram is now available!

There will be no need to install desktop version of WeblocOpener if you have to convert only some links.

Bot still being in development for that time trial plan is active for everyone!

It is expected to have at least 1 premium paid plan with fewer restrictions for converting. Other users will be available to convert some links for free. For most of the users it will be enough, if you’re not using it commercially or you want to support the project.

What is .webloc file?

.webloc extension is usually means that in front of you is a MacOS Safari web-url.
Actually it is a text document, formatted to property list — PLIST 1.0 (see).
You can open it with any text-editor (like notepad on Windows) to find out the url, saved in .webloc file. But if you need to open a big number of files or open them often — using text-editor wouldn't be the fastest and the easiest solution.
So that's why I want to offer you — WeblocOpener.


What can WeblocOpener do?

  • WeblocOpener gives full MacOs .webloc files support on Windows and Debian GNU/Linux. Full support
  • Open .webloc .desktop .url .webarchive files. Open files
  • Choose whatever browser you want. Open in browser from preset or use custom.
    Browsers in preset:
    and more...  or you can use your custom browser.
    You can use any custom browser by your own with custom call. Select browser
  • WeblocOpener provides multiple abilities to operate with supported formats. Convert files
  • Convert .webloc to .url to .desktop and backward by using drag and drop on settings window. Also, you can convert .webarchive files into .html webpages. Convert files
  • Create new .webloc files. Created files are fully supported by Safari on MacOS and WeblocOpener on Windows. Create new files
  • Edit existed files. Change links when you need it. Convert files
  • Dark mode will protect your eyes at night. It turns on automatically scheduled or by your location. Check out in settings how to customize it for yourself. Dark mode
  • Settings window can not only change settings of application, but also convert files. Convert files
  • Open and convert .webarchive using drag and drop on settings window. Convert webarchive
  • You can generate QR-Code for stored link to open in on your smartphone. Auto-renaming of files
  • When there will appear new features - auto-updater tool can notify you. Updater window
  • Supported languages: EN IT RU DE FR

What can do WeblocOpener on Windows?

What can do WeblocOpener on Debian GNU/Linux?

Contact me then!

System Requirements

Type Requirements
Operating system Windows 7, 8, 10, 11
Debian GNU/Linux
Hard drive 100 MB free hard disk space
Additional software Java 17 required.
Temurin JRE recommended.

Supported features

Create new
Generate QR-Code
Instant URL, QR-Code copy
.webloc support
.desktop support
.url support
Convert .webloc, .url, .desktop, .webarchive
Open in not default browser
Switch browser to open for each file

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